Feel Small and Out of Your Depth

How good are you at getting out of your comfort zone? How often do you spend time with people who stretch your thinking?

As educationalists, we are (supposedly) all about growth and development. We tend to think of the growth and development of children, but what about our own? It may be a great professional development experience to serve on an industry-related board, or to serve as a workshop facilitator, but do such opportunities force us out of our comfort zone? Are we stretching our thinking, or are we truly remaining in the same box we've always been in? Are we willing to curb our ambition(s) in order to challenge ourselves? For instance, would you consider a 'lesser role' in order to learn something completely new? If you are aspiring to headship in the next two to three years, would you consider postponing that pursuit in order to focus on mission instead of status?

As you reflect on this past year or term and contemplate the next, ask yourself whether you're willing to engage in something that requires a significant time commitment and will make you say to yourself, "Wow, I am so out of my depth!"


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