Accreditation as Elegant Fulcrum
Accreditation Accreditation

Accreditation as Elegant Fulcrum

In this way, the accrediting associations play an even more impactful role with their member schools--not just holding them accountable to a professional standards, but helping them to advance their missions and their impact in ways that will be beneficial to society as a whole--part of the public purpose argument for independent schools.

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On Bold Moves
Leadership Kevin Ruth Leadership Kevin Ruth

On Bold Moves

Schools are becoming increasingly ambidextrous organizations (Robert Duncan, 1976), even though they may be unaware of it. Leaders must focus simultaneously on delivering current educational practice while preparing for the future. That being said, really bold schools have decided not just to prepare for the future, they’re moving into it right now. If those shifts become permanent (if there is such a thing…), then it means that certain schools are going through a recalibration, the full extent of which may not be recognized or appreciated for several years.

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